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Was für eine schöne Eröffnung! Gemeinsam mit zahlreichen BesucherInnen, Interessierten, Familien und FreundInnen haben wir unsere neuen Räume gebührend eingeweiht. Bei Kaffee und Kuchen, interkultureller Musik, einer deutsch-spanischen Lesung und Spielen konnte unsere neue Zentrale erkundet werden, in der auch die Interkulturelle Bibliothek. Wir freuen uns auf zukünftige Besuche in der Straße des 17.
A note from Michael Gidney. Bananas, bananas, bananas. Real lives, real stories. Grants, funding and donations. Fashion Revolution and going for gold. Turning 20, landmarks and awards. New generations, new directions.
You have no items in your basket. Online shopping is the process consumers go through to purchase products or services over the Internet. You can edit this in the admin site. Welcome to the new Shop Fairtrade for all your promotional merchandise and free resources.
6 Church Street, COLCHESTER. Essex, England, CO1 1NF. Many others were ridiculed, beaten and fined, but they continued to live and worship in the Quaker way.
Concurso de Qualidade de Comercio Justo 2008. Brazil Fair Trade Certified Cupping Competition.
Chemical engineers usually look at reactor vessels and deal with a whole bunch of dead chemicals. That is not the case with the coffee bean. It is still a metabolizing organism; you can still measure rates of metabolism in the seed; it is not dead. Coffee Flavor Chemistry by Ivon Flament. Chris Tacy-How to Explore the Extraction Space. The Mandelbrot in the bean.